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Guide of good practices

Providing examples and experiences of how makerspaces can promote skills among European young people

The guide of good practices has been created to inspire educators across Europe as to how they can use makerspaces to promote skills and reach young people who are at risk of dropping out of education - becoming NEET (not in employment, education or training.)

The guide combines desk research on best practice projects from around the world with practical interviews with educators, FabLab technicians and students from across Europe. We’ve translated the lessons learnt into handy guidelines for all people who want to engage vulnerable youth in the Makermovement.


Trajectory of workshops and training for secondary vet students

A course for young people to introduce them to design thinking and the makerspace, co-created by users

We’re working on a trajectory of workshops and training for secondary VET students to introduce them to design thinking and the possibilities of the Maker-movement. To ensure the course truly answers the needs of young people, we’ll be co-creating the whole trajectory with students themselves in a series of international co-creation sessions.

Once we’ve had the chance to test the course with students from our partner schools and colleges, we’ll share the trajectory with the rest of Europe to inspire a new generation of makers.

trainer session

Train the trainer materials

Our train-the-trainer materials will develop an online course to show teachers how they can use Makerspaces in their teaching

You can’t have an impact on education without educators. That’s why PROGRAM will create a dedicated train the trainer session and website for educators from across Europe to follow.

The train the trainer session introduces teachers to the design thinking method, shows the software and skills they can use to help facilitate the making process in their own FabLab or Makerspace, and helps them to reflect on how the Maker-movement can contribute to their work as educators. There’ll of course be special attention for ways to reach youngsters who might struggle with formal education but thrive as makers.

Find it here
Program labs cut out

Secondary vet education module

Embedding the courses and materials developed in the project into the curriculum as a full-blown module

We’ll work to create and test a model for organising PROGRAM more sustainably with the help of higher education (HE) students, to try and make sure that PROGRAM lives on beyond the project lifespan. HE students will help organise the PROGRAM trajectory for VET students, and all the while develop their own skills.

To make this happen, an interdisciplinary course for HE students will be developed, showing them how to use Makerspaces to improve the skills of others while gaining credits for their own skills development.


Interdisciplinary higher education model for program sustainability

Working with higher education students, we’ll develop a sustainable, interdisciplinary model for PROGRAM’s future

We’ll work to create and test a model for organising PROGRAM more sustainably with the help of higher education (HE) students, to try and make sure that PROGRAM lives on beyond the project lifespan. HE students will help organise the PROGRAM trajectory for VET students, and all the while develop their own skills.

To make this happen, an interdisciplinary course for HE students will be developed, showing them how to use Makerspaces to improve the skills of others while gaining credits for their own skills development.
